... who want to take their  coaching to mastery


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Masterful Content

We’ve curated ideas and techniques from leading coaches to help you learn and apply current best practices and put them to use, right now,  in your practice. 


Digital Instruction

We’ve structured the content in bite-size chunks so you can make steady progress with individual lessons of less than 15 minutes long.   Digital learning means you can complete the lessons from anywhere on the planet, any time you choose.


Independent Study

Independent study projects in each module will allow you to apply the concepts to current coaching engagements while you continue the program at your own pace. 


Live Virtual Practice

You will practice the ideas in live virtual Zoom practice sessions with other participating coaches in coaching break-outs with no larger than four members. 


Download the Learning Objectives and Outline of the First Course

How you'll feel after joining this membership...

  • You’ll feel proud of your client’s progress, because you'll know you're helping them grow!

  • You’ll feel a growing sense of confidence as you effortlessly integrate masterful approaches into your coaching.

  • You’ll feel more connected to a broader community of coaches based on your new relationships with fellow coaches across the country and globe.

  • You’ll feel satisfied that you’ve carved out a thoughtful strategy for your progression to mastery and have made steady progress down that path.

  • You'll appreciate the flexibility of the program that makes it easy to integrate your development activities into your busy schedule.
  • You'll be proud of the enthusiastic testimonials you'll receive and their impact on new business.

A bit about me...

Before becoming a coach, I was blessed by over 30 years of experience as a technologist, senior military officer, corporate executive, management consultant, and entrepreneur.

In my 15 years and over 2,500 hours of coaching and working with the highly respected firms below and many more, I've gained experience that helps me empathize with the business and leadership challenges that my executive clients are facing. 

My goal has always been to assist those executives in developing the clarity, beliefs, knowledge, and skills they need to achieve their strategic objectives while developing their organizations to be the best places to work.

 My driving objective now is to help professional coaches develop their coaching to masterful levels.  By doing that, I hope to enable my colleague coaches to assist their clients achieve the transformations they seek.  In turn, I'll be helping my members grow their business, fueled by their growing confidence and mastery. 

I'd welcome the opportunity to work with you as well!

- Jim
Let's discuss!
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  • A program that let's you learn and develop on your terms and in your timeframe, by seamlessly integrating your learning program into your calendar
  • Personalized feedback and support via weekly office hours 

  • Monthly live-virtual application sessions to practice in small groups and receive feedback and mentoring  (Earn Core Competency CCEU hours)

  • An exclusive private FB Group to share your successes and get colleagues’ support on your challenges

  • A voluntary program to help form independent small groups to share your challenges, resources, and successes with colleagues you choose
The Result? 


A development path tailored for you!


The motivation and tools you need to create a realistic plan and make it easier to bring your coaching to masterful levels!


Enhanced confidence as you build supportive connections with other like-minded coaches. 



Perfect for you if :
  • You want to know and emulate how the best coaches are coaching for true transformation
  • You're ready to stop  wasting time and money on a hodge-podge of coaching programs and seminars
  • You want your development path to be strategically crafted to benefit from a well-conceived and designed approach
  • You'd like a program where you can make it fit seamlessly into your time demands and budget constraints.
  • You'd like to join a trusted cohort of colleagues where you can share challenges and successes
Not for you if :
  • You're satisfied with your current level of expertise and confidence
  • You're not interested in making small and steady investments to improve your impact, skills, and mastery
  • You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to take your coaching to the next level
  • You aren't willing to lay out a well-planned development path and dedicate the work to pursue it
  •  You have plenty of like-minded coaches where you can share challenges, ideas and successes
Let's discuss your goals!

What are Jim's Clients Saying?

Jinnah Cox

Jim is an exceptional coach.  He coached me at a pivotal time as I transitioned from individual contributor to the leader of a large team. He became a trusted person I could turn to for open dialogue and accountability.

He was very conscientious about giving me space to think in our sessions when I was processing something important.  He didn’t rush in with a recommendation or another question.  He listened to me, challenged me, motivated me, and ultimately helped me capitalize on my goals, both personal and professional.

Over time, I found myself becoming increasingly coach-like when leading my team. The benefits gained from my coaching experience with Jim compounded to others. I discovered not only my passion for coaching but also my responsibility for actively coaching others in my life. In an engaged organization, everybody is invested in coaching and holding others accountable for excellence, making coaching part of the culture. The best gift we can give others is feedback on how they are perceived outside of themselves.

Jinnah is Vice President & Actuary for  Munich Re Life US

Beth Cory, PCC

Jim has been a pivotal influence in my coaching journey. 

 Jim’s coaching has a way of being both supportive and direct in just the right mix to be very effective.  In my first coaching session with Jim, I experienced how quickly a coach can cultivate trust, listen actively, and evoke awareness. 

Jim instinctively nurtures presence, trust and safety. He established this with me before I ever met him.  I had the good fortune of being an audience member when Jim participated on a panel of coaches being recognized for outstanding coaching.  In that setting, I got a glimpse of his character, commitment, and the way he interacted with others' questions and shared his experience and success. I knew Jim Cooper was someone I wanted to work with in my career.

 Beth is the Founder and Principal at Enliven Coaching.  She leads an ICF mentor group for PCC coaches.

Susan Shapiro, MCC

I have known and worked with Jim for over 40 years, first in industry, and later as a fellow coach.  I consider Jim to be the consummate partner for people who are seeking mastery in their life’s work and especially in their coaching.   

Jim’s program design is logical, with bite-sized lessons and exercises for the coach to learn, practice, gain confidence and then go to the next step. His approach to fostering greater connection between coaches is unique.  In their work, coaches can sometimes feel isolated and lose confidence.  Jim’s program attacks that issue head-on.  Live practice sessions in small cohorts will tap into that cooperation to help coaches build the confidence they need to deliver masterful coaching. 

Susan is the Founder and Principal at OnPoint Leadership.  She is a member and Past President of the ICF North Texas chapter.

Judy Feld, MCC

Jim joined our chapter in 2007, and immediately made an impact as a servant leader.  Within a few years, he joined the chapter board of directors.  In his four years of service on the board, Jim served as Treasurer, Prism Event Chairman, and Chapter President in 2013. He has been an active Past President, supporting current chapter leaders as a member of the Past Presidents Advisory Group. 

 Jim has reviewed his Masterful Coaching membership program with me.  I'm impressed with the work that he has invested in its design. It's a solid, hands-on program that will propel ACC's and PCCs to continue their growth into coaching mastery and smooth their path to achieving PCC or MCC.

Judy has been actively involved in the ICF since its founding in 1995.  She founded the ICF North Texas Chapter in 1998 and served as its first President.  In 2003,  she led the ICF as its Global Chairman.
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The ultimate program to create deeper transformation for your clients, build your confidence,  expand your network, and accelerate your path to mastery 

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Yes! A 100% Money Back Guarantee

This product has a 30 day money back guarantee. If you work through the first few lessons or modules of this course and you are not completely satisfied, we will refund your money, no questions asked.

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